Chapter 4 - After reading Chapter 4, what two areas stood out the most to you? Why? Thoroughly discuss.
Chapter 5 - After reading Chapter 5, What two areas stood out the most to you? Why? Thoroughly discuss.
Here's my response to the prompt:
Chapter 4
The first part that was interesting was how the book compared student centered learning and teacher centered learning. I agree with the book that student centered learning is the best way to approach this situation. Learning is a science and if the students are not interested then you will not be able to succeed in what your goals are. Having similar based goals involving the students is the key to being a respectable teacher.
The second part that stood out to me was the technology and how it can be used creativity to enhance learning experience. Even students K-12 can benefit from the use of technology in the classroom. This is because students could use the Internet to search information. Or for younger students technology could be used for educational games. Technology keeps the students busy and also sharp.
Chapter 5
I liked the information about how to use the Google functions for in the classroom. I know that I used those a lot in high school. Especially Gmail, Google, Google Docs, and Google Classroom. Google is a helpful tool that can help students advance their knowledge. Teachers use it for organization and communication.
The second part I liked was the section about Wikipedia. The book talked about how to use it and who made it. Also, about how to use fact check if a student is using Wikipedia for a source. I know a lot of educators tell their students not to listen to Wikipedia or not to use it because it could lead to false information about the subject that they are researching.