"By the time you complete this course, you will be able to check off each item on this poster. Perhaps you can do that now, but we will learn in this course how and when to use the right tools to enhance teaching and learning through technology. In the meantime - the technology journey continues! Please answer each item below and be sure to respond to two peers.
1. Are you a digital immigrant or a digital native? Why do you think this is the case? What is the first technology you can remember in your childhood?
2. Tell about a time when you had difficulty with a hardware/software (system or application?). Were you able to correct on your own? What was the outcome? Refer to page 6 and google if needed. Make sure you use the appropriate "technology" terms.
3. Review the 21st Century Technology Self-Assessment on page 24. What technologies are you most knowledgeable/confident? Which are you most insecure/wanting to learn more? Discuss.
4. Describe ways teachers can use technology in their everyday classrooms.
5. Discuss how technology, the internet, social media affect students and families - both positively and negatively. "
Here's my response to the prompt:
Credit for the prompt is due to Theresa Henderson. Credit for picture due to Google.